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Items Needed: Tassel
Color: Pink
Finish: Shiny
Shiny Finish

Is there anything more adorable than a toddler in a cap and gown? Our shiny finish caps and gowns are the perfect way to remember their special day forever. Shop now.

3 Items

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  1. Pre-K / Kindergarten Cap, Gown and Tassel Set : Shiny Finish
    Black Dark Green Gold Light Blue Maroon Medium Green Navy Blue Orange Pink Purple Red Royal Blue White More
  2. Pre-K / Kindergarten Cap, Gown, Tassel and Diploma Certificate Set : Shiny Finish
    Black Dark Green Gold Light Blue Maroon Medium Green Navy Blue Orange Pink Purple Red Royal Blue White More
  3. Pre-K / Kindergarten Cap, Gown, Tassel and Stole Set : Shiny Finish
    Black Dark Green Gold Light Blue Maroon Medium Green Navy Blue Orange Pink Purple Red Royal Blue White More

Kindergarten / Preschool / Day Care / Head Start Graduation Cap and Gown Sets 

Your little one will only be this little for a few years. Don't miss this opportunity to commemorate their Preschool / Kindergarten / Day Care achievements, no matter how small or big. Our PreK/ Kindergarten caps and gowns come in 6 different sizes and over 10 different colors. Our shiny finish caps and gowns are the perfect, affordable option for your graduates.  Keep them until they graduate from High School and you won't believe how small they once were! 

Add an extra special, cute touch with our child size stoles.  They gowns are expertly tailored to come between the knee and calf of the child when you measure their full height.  Our tassels make great keepsakes for the rest of their lives. They are the future and our little graduates deserve to be celebrated! 

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