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Items Needed: Gown
Color: Royal Blue
Shiny Finish

Rejoice and remember all the effort that went into graduating!  No need to buy anything you don't need. We offer the option to buy just a high quality graduation gown in a Shiny finish with over 15 gown colors to choose from.

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  1. Elementary Gown Only : Shiny Finish
    Black Brown (not available in 4'4 Dark Green Gold Light Blue Maroon Medium Green Navy Blue Orange Pink Purple Red Royal Blue More

Elementary Graduation Gowns and accessories for your regalia


All of our graduation gowns are professionally tailored to come between your knee and calf when you measure your full height from head to toe. Choose from a large variety of colors to ensure you look your best on your special graduation day. We assure you, our gowns will make your graduation pictures look amazing for years to come!  Walk across that stage with pride as you look your very best on your much anticipated Graduation Day!

Make your high school graduation a day that you will never forget with our high quality and expertly tailored Elementary Graduation Gowns. You can also select from a variety of high-quality honor cordsstoles and sashes, medalsdiploma covers and frames and other graduation accessories. We offer a large variety of colors in a shiny finish to accomodate your needs. They include, but are not limited to, Black, Royal Blue, Navy Blue, Gold, Red, Dark Green, Medium Green, White and more!  Shop now and receive your items by next week for in stock items!

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